Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Senja adalah milik kita.

Someone's crying. I'm.

The dawn is too cold for me.

And the cocky mr. sun won't even be nice to me. He's no good at all, anyway.

Evening is mine. Sweeter than honey pancake, bitter than black koffee.

And for the lady(s) that i chased, rapidly down the narrow avenue, i'm holding a four-leaf clover in my hand, she's sitting on that browny bus.

Staring at me, confused.

She looking me in the eyes the same i do, and it came rain.

We do waltz, joyfully. We spinning and spinning, forever. We laughed.

Then we hold each other tight, do the heavenly fairy-tale-like kiss.

Then with the same red lips, she whispered in my ear.

''Kita telah berbuat dosa.''

Then she flew high, turned to a thousands of roses, away from milky way.

I sat down, cry like a baby, and then starred at the sunset.

''Ya, aku tahu. Senja adalah milik kita. Selamanya.''

A man got psychedelicly crazy that day. He flew his plane to the sorrow sunset.

Prosa diatas adalah milik teman saya dari Bangka Belitung. Namanya Reza Mardianto Rizky. Kami kenal karena kami adalah kampiuns (fans SORE band). Ya saya suka dengan tulisan-tulisan dia. Sangat indah. Namun nampaknya ia sudah jarang menulis lagi. Pernah ia bilang ke saya, kalau ia ingin sekali menerbitkan sebuah buku. Saya tunggu sampai sekarang namun tak kunjung terbit.

Saya terpikirkan untuk membuat kelompok puisi seperti Dead Poet's Society. Tapi siapa masanya?

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