Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Expression in Delastweek

All photos were taken by Dwirianda Rhesa Ghani (Rhesa), you can check his blog out just click it

Yeah, it's me..... the one that gets the color. Is it freak enough? Rhesa said that my photo is quite good. He can got my expression. But, as you can see it, my cheek is..... swollen. I think it because i ate much carbohydrate nowdays.

But actually, It is unimportant anymore.

In my school, there were held Delastweek by OR subsection and Expression by Mesis subsection, today (and tomorrow).

Delastweek is a sport championship where the participants are student from grade 11th and grade 10th. There are handball for girls, basketball for boys, and badminton for both (we called it, "Ganda Campuran". My girl-classmates and i joined the handball game and we are going to semifinal. Go Go Go Social!!!! But, i feel sorry to badminton game, we can't won this game. Semifinal of handball and basketball game will be held on tomorrow. And the important one is i must make some supporter stuffs, tonight. Great.

Expression is a photo hunting competition. The participants are student at grade 11th and grade 10th. The prizes are 3 Aquapix, camera in water. This competition are free and you got Beng Beng. The Expressions of Delastweek participants are object for Expression's participants. Get it? Rhesa joined this competition. So, he made so many good-expression photos.

Delastweek and Expression were success for today. Hope tomorrow will be more success and exclaimed.

Go Go 2012!!!

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